Building Bike Since 1970

by Dennis
(Panama city beach florida)

I have been riding and building bikes ever since I turned 16 and that was in 1970 although something always got in the way of my success either work, paying bills, or getting married and raising 6 kids. But now the kids are grown and the wife died. I have moved to Florida (we're retired and living in FLORIDA NOW MISTER...easy rider the last scene in the movie) I am trying to start my own motorcycle business, buying and selling bikes and anything that goes with it. BUT I HAVE TO GET ANOTHER JOB to pay for it. And so far there aren't any. I have one bike I am trying to sell. ts a 1975 Honda 550 four cylinder but in this area I have found out there's only NEWER BIKES. Nobody wants an old HONDA. I thought it would be a great starter bike to CHOP!!! There's a lot of 750 HONDA CHOPPERS AROUND. Not everybody has the money to build a HARLEY CHOPPER right off the bat. But by way, I am going to carry on and you should too.

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Aug 26, 2009
Yeah man...
by: Dennis

You know...when I was 16 in 1970...and I saw the movie EASY RIDER...that was it...I KNEW what I wanted to do with my the time I had a 1970 Yamaha 200cc scrambler...I put apes on it and a sissy bar from a schwinn bycycle...I later found these things called SLUGS...they were extensions for the fork tubes...I hung around this CHOPPER shop and they turned me on to them...they were REALLY RARE...and were discontinued right away because they were just screw in extensions of the fork tubes...ACTUALLY pretty dangerous because they could come loose and BANG you went down...but I had them and rode with lots of other people that had old triumphs and BSA and stuff like that...then I saw another movie called the WILD ANGELS...and I began going to the DRIVE IN and watching every biker movie I could...and there were alot of them back then...I began doing the biker thing...riding...partying...doing drugs...and everything...the only problem stuck...and I ended up doing it for the rest of my life...well the drugs and partying got old after I woke up in jail more times than I care to count...but the biker life is STILL STRONG...and I now own two Hondas that I ride everywhere...and one is the 550 four cylinder...the other is a 1986 SHADOW 1100 LONG LIVE BILLY AND WYATT!!!

Aug 25, 2009
tumeke[that means to much in maori]
by: Anonymous

gooo 4 it old honda 550s are kool olskool... ive been doing up a old ironhead made everything i could,can on this bike in my shed with very little tools.could send some pix if you want??cheers

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