Certificate For Frame Test Results

by Steffen Joergensen

I have a question about the bobber-frame plans which I bought the 04.14. 2010. Is it possible to get a certificate of the calculation of the frame, or strength test-results of the frame stability or both, because I need them for the Danish Traffic Department to get a building-permission? Thanks in advance. Steffen Joergensen.

Here Is Your Answer

If you (or anyone else) needs a certificate explaining the analysis that I conducted as well as the loads applied please let us know and we will email a generic one we created for you. We are not sure that this certificate will qualify legally so you need to check yourself.

I've also included several photos showing the stress plots and deformation. As long as the correct materials are used and the design is followed, the frame should be more than strong enough for this application.

I have also attached some screen shots showing the analysis results. The plots show deformation as well as overall stress on the frame. The stress is much less than the yield of the material. Please feel free to let us know with any additional questions or concerns.

Click Each Image For A Larger View!

load test 1

bobber frame deformation

frame load test

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