Darin Maltsberger - Powersports Instructor @ MTI

by Darin Maltsberger
(Mitchell, SD)


They did a great job on that build last year. They have been invited to be part of the Donnie Smith Chopper Class Challenge again this year, as have my students at Mitchell Technical Institute.
Mitchell Technical Institute offers the Powersports program in a post secondary atmosphere (college level) for those students who have a passion for the motorcycle industry and seek a career. Like the Canadians, we too struggle with budgets, and many of our students would not succeed at any other career choice.
This years' build is a full custom based off of a salvaged 1981 Yamaha XS650. Low budget and very "green". Our base machine was rescued from the salvage yard with a failed engine. The students have already started, engine repairs are underway, and the hardtail is ready for installation. I will try to load pictures soon. Like the Canadians, we welcome any donations or assistance to the program that anyone in the industry is willing to give.
Please check out the work done by the 2009 class at: www.mtireadytoride.com. The school website is also available at www.mitchelltech.edu.

My e-mail is: darin.maltsberger@mitchelltech.edu


Darin Maltsberger
Instructor, Powersports Technology
Mitchell Technical Institute
Mitchell, SD

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